Category: Business

Kathleen’s blogs on current business topics

  • Multi Directorships – How Overboarding Can Capsize The Corporate Ship

    When directors have too many non-executive roles and stretch themselves too thinly to be able to contribute effectively to the risk management of an organisation it is referred to as “overboarding”. It seems a simple enough task for a professional to challenge and decide his or her own capacity constraints, and for the hiring organisation…

  • PwC fined £5m for ‘misconduct’ in RSM Tenon Audit

    I thought I was experiencing déjà vu when I read the FT article on RSM Tenon. It is only a few months since The Financial Reporting Council (the FRC) fined PwC £5m for misconduct in its audit of Connaught, as well as suffering a $1m fine for compliance failure on an audit of Merrill Lynch…

  • Whistleblowing – A Board’s Balancing Act In Managing Investigations Promptly Whilst Protecting Legal Privilege

    Every Board dreads the day when a serious allegation is levied against one of its senior team members, or indeed themselves with the possibility of drawing in unwanted media attention. But my view is that whistle-blowing is sometimes the only means by which a Board can learn about serious issues, such as fraud and significant…